Afiya Jahin1, Abdullah Al-Mamun2*
This research aims to explore how ubiquitous learning (UL), a recently developed teaching and learning technique that offers learning from anywhere and anytime, impacted the educational experiences of the stakeholders of a Bachelor program in Dhaka University named English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). This study has used a mixed-method approach, collecting quantitative data from students through a questionnaire and qualitative data by focus group discussion (FGD) with students, in-person interviews with teachers, and over-phone interviews with guardians to get an overall picture. The paper illustrates how to minimize the obstacles to the integration of ubiquitous learning into English language teaching-learning. In addition, the article highlights the impact of ubiquitous learning on the development of all four basic language skills. This research can serve as a guideline for the English language students studying at different universities in Bangladesh.