M.G. Mostafa
Tannery industrial effluents comprise a huge volume of chemical composites, including toxic chemicals. The study aimed to analyze various physicochemical parameters of the composite tannery industrial effluents of Savar Tannery Industrial Zone. All the physicochemical parameters of the effluents were measured using the standard meth-ods of analysis. The mean concentration of total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and pH of the effluents were 1756, 6817, and 8.2 mg/L, respectively. The average value of dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxy-gen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were 0.6, 553 mg/L, and 1646 mg/L, respectively. The average electrical conductivity (EC) was 10996 μS/cm, and the concentration of anions, including NO3-, SO42-, HCO3-, PO43-, and Cl- were 60.18, 1560,1200, 28.3, and 2417 mg/L, respectively. The concentration of the cations of the tannery effluents was in the following order: Na>Ca>Cr>Cu>Zn. The BOD and COD ratio revealed that the tannery effluents were less biodegradable. The study observed that the tannery industrial effluents should be treated before discharging into surface water bodies.